
If you are interested in joining the club, please come along to one of our Indoor Meetings and speak to a member of the Committee for more information. You can also contact our Membership Secretary by email.

We operate a “try before you buy” policy, so you can come along to your first walk without joining the club, to see if you like what we do. You only pay the cost of the transport, so you can try out the club without any commitment to join. Of course, we hope that you enjoy your experience and want to join, so please read on!

The club membership fee includes membership of Mountaineering Scotland (as we are an Affiliated Club). Mountaineering Scotland membership gives you copies of the Scottish Mountaineer magazine, and many other benefits.

The annual membership subscription of the club is:

  • Adults £30
  • Junior (Under 18) £14

Please look at the Membership Benefits page to find out more about what we offer to club members.

For more information about the club, please see our Information Pack.